Monday, March 23, 2009

Why Don't Americans Take Vacations?

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Cultural values are much more revealing than simple personal choice as to why Americans don't take much time off. Knowing where we're coming from might help us get where we're going- in this case, hopefully a vacation! At the very least, seriously chill out down time...

For eight consecutive years, has conducted their Vacation Deprivation Survey this year reporting 460 million unused US vacation days. Not only do their findings show a great deficit in American's will to take a breather, it also points out that Americans are granted far fewer vacation days by their employers than many other developed nations (the US has on average 14). France, Germany, the UK and Spain range between 26 and 37! Additionally, these nations use more, if not all, of their provided days off. And get this, when we are working, two in five of us are working over 40 hours per week.

I wish I could say these facts and questions only apply to those in 9 to 5's in the corporate world, but I have observed in myself as well as in my less traditional group of friends just as much evidence of workaholic tendencies, self-deprivation of dong-nothingness and a generally classic American "I'm so busy" mantra. . . meaning those ecclectic, unconventional types out there aren't off the hook.

So why are Americans so work-hungry, and subsequently relaxation-starved? Our ancestors came to the US with big dreams and hard work ethics. What cultural values grew from this and do they need rethinking in the modern world?

The Meaning of Time

How often have you said "There's not enough time in the day," "Time is money," "I've wasted so much time," or "I like to spend my time doing...". Most of us forget that not every culture in the world uses this type of language around time. For us, time is a commodity, something almost material and quantitative. When we fill a day with tasks well done, we feel confident we've "used our time well." When we don't (and often this is reflected by days when we simply don't do anything but watch movies or sit in the yard with a beer), we feel a bit guilty and may say or feel we wasted the day.

For many other cultures, however, time with family and friends, ample time spent eating, or time just doing nothing but watching the birds are an integral part of life. For these cultures time tends to be experienced in a more qualitative, ongoing way. This largely reflects a "future-oriented" US culture, opposed to a more "past-oriented" culture, such as Italy or Spain[i]. Americans are more likely to structure time on a straight line, focusing on what must be done today for the good of tomorrow, striving to make the most of the (limited) time we have. More past or present-oriented cultures will tend to see life on a more circular continuum, and though certainly hard working, do not necessarily relate at all to time as something "running out." Indeed, for many cultures, wasting time would mean not enjoying all of the "good things in life."


The US is known to be the most individualistic culture in the world.[ii] We love being independent. Parents often say to their children, "Wow! Did you do that all by yourself?" It hardly occurs to us this may not be an easily translatable phrase. We tend to credit the individual more than the society for their contributions and work. Americans value highly original thought and believe it is each person's responsibility to look after themselves.

Many other cultures are more "collective." They often have tight relations and obligations to a large, extended family. Individual successes may be valued less than a group's accomplishments. In this way, a person with a successful career by US standards may not be regarded as highly by a more relational culture (where disregard for family and recreational needs or overemphasis on work might actually be ridiculed or frowned upon).

So, how independent are you? There has been a lot of research recently as to whether Americans have become so individualistic that we feel isolated, like an island unto ourselves and are afraid to ask for even the simplest aid. In a culture so centered on an “every man for himself” paradigm, not only do we feel the competitive threat that we may be left behind if we're running off on "silly" vacations, but family, friends and work perhaps are unlikely to support each other during absences or doing-nothingness times.

The Doers of the World

Every culture in the world, along with their way of relating to time, has a way of relating to activity, that’s to say, what we’re doing with our time. And boy, are Americans ever doers! We fill our calendars to the brim- even for our kids! - and then some. In an extreme case, I heard of someone “penciling in” some time with their mother! When we have a free moment, we are likely to even then be doing something active: surfing the web, doing chores, working on a hobby project. It seems we really, as a culture anyway, have no idea how to do nothing.

In her book "Eat, Pray, Love," author Elizabeth Gilbert begins her world-wide trip in Italy just to investigate and learn about doing nothing. For many other cultures- Italy and France are great examples- this is not only why one works, but is an absolute prerequisite to a fulfilling life, and considered a great skill. That goes to show that, especially in this fast-paced world with a million distractions, taking time off is a practice and can take time to master. Is it affecting their life negatively, all this non-doing? The French live longer than Americans, and both nations suffer far less from anxiety, depression and other related diseases.

America is an achievement, goal-oriented society with a ton of emphasis on success.[iii] We feel fairly invincible generally in our ability to overcome any obstacle, whereas many other cultures see obstacles as a part of life. It’s a great pleasure to let things unfold as they will at times, and in the meantime, to do nothing at all! If only we could see doing nothing as doing something, maybe we'd feel less guilty about it….How often do you find yourself listing all the things you “got done” over the weekend, or activities you packed in. Try saying, next Monday morning, in the competitive air of who did more with their time off, “I didn’t anything at all,” and note the reaction. Is it envied by others or does it solicit the "huh" look?

Turn it Off!

An interesting finding of the Expedia survey was that 24% of Americans check voicemail and email during vacation. Just a few short decades ago, this wasn’t even possible. How often have you or friends interrupted a serious, important discussion simply to check your phone? It's important to look at the habits that form, rather quickly at that, in our lives with regards to technology and to weigh their usefulness. It’s up to us to decide as a society if we will allow technology to become more freeing or more demanding of our time.

Relaxation tea Pictures, Images and Photos Finding Balance

All of these ideas lend themselves to why Americans don’t take their vacations. Rather than polarize the above cultural characteristics as good or bad, it’s much more useful to celebrate the positive aspects of each norm and hold their more negative ones accountable. Here are some examples:

-The fact that we look ahead with great spirit and hard work has made the US an innovative leader, with contagious optimism. However, let the phrase “stop and smell the roses” be your mantra. May it never lose its charm.

-Look at your schedule and do some weeding. What’s absolutely essential? What could go? And what relaxing, low-energy activities appeal to you most. Is it baths? Sitting on the beach? Reading a good book on a hammock, or making a delicious meal with friends? (warning: Farting around on facebook or the internet in general is not doing nothing). Use these revelations whenever you feel lost as to how to “do nothing.” Furthermore, consult yourself as to how you view doing nothing. Are you cool with it, or do you give yourself a hard time for it?

-Talk to coworkers and employers about time off, what if feels like to everyone, how it affects the company and how everyone might be better supported in taking vacations. See Expedia’s survey for more ideas on this.

-Remember that we all need each other, and that no dream (or dream vacation) happens by virtue of our work and energy alone. When you hear a friend say “I want to get away, if only I didn’t (e.g. have a dog, so much housework)”- offer to watch the dog, or remind them gently that everyone needs time off. And remind yourself while you’re at it!

-Ask your boss and loved ones: What are my (your) expectations of my availability in a world where, in theory, everyone can be available at any time, and why do you have these expectations? There is an incredible sense of freedom when you kiss your phone/computer/blackberry- whatever- goodbye, even for an afternoon- I promise!! So be a rebel- try it out and...

-Turn off communication devices during down time, on vacations or while spending time with family.

-And just for inspiration and amusement, check this out: The Eight Irresistible Principles of Fun

Surprisingly, Americans, according to the survey, generally feel rejuvenated and better about work after vacations. Numerous health studies show that it is to our benefit to stop and relax and that doing so often increases! overall productivity. Being practical generally, perhaps it's time for Americans to rework the phrase “time well spent” to include vacations, and otherwise non-doing moments.

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[i] Based on the research of Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck, 1961 and Kohls, 1996
[ii] Based on research by Geert Hofstede, 1984
[iii] Based on the research of Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck, 1961 and Kohls, 1996


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